Friday, January 13, 2006

Shooting ourselves in the foot!!!!

I wish I could be more optimistic about this week's Democratic performance, but it seems to me that once again we are snatching defeat with both arms from the jaws of victory.

Last week we were in perfect position to exhibit true leadership in the wake of a scandal ridden right wing, but instead of capitalizing off of that by proactively articulating our positive values and differences with the corrupt greedy right wing majority, we squandered the national spotlight to the losing Alito fight.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Alito it's just that anyone can see there is no way we are going to win this fight. Furthermore we don't deserve to win this one because we have no smoking gun on this guy.

Knowing that we weren't going to win I can't for the life of me understand why we would let the right wing change the subject from the issues we were winning (Iraq, Delay, Abermoff, social security, healthcare, Medicare, ect.)

Sure, in my personal life I've shoot myself in the foot countless times by trying to impress a girl and saying something really lame, or not planning my day well enough ahead of time and losing a day to self indulgence, to leaving the bitchy message about my ex-girlfriend on my ex girlfriends voicemail by mistake.

No doubt about it I've done some really stupid things and will continue to do so. However today I'm trying to learn from my mistakes and I can't do so until I first admit them to myself. I hate to always be bithcing about democrats on this blog, but as a democrat my hope is that as a party we can learn from all of our mistakes and victories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. Sometimes I think, these people are supposed to be intelligent. Why aren't they acting like it??? -Gillian