Saturday, January 21, 2006


Yes, but there is more to it than that. Clearly, crazy does NOT always equal confidence, but they are a lot closer then I once thought. Webster defines crazy as “being out of the ordinary,” so why are we so quick to label this a bad thing? If ordinary was so great we’d have average looking, soft spoken, mild mannered, rocks stars and models. How much fun would that be?

Think about it, the thing that is so sexy and appealing about confident people is that there is something extraordinary about them. They make the world conform to their rules even if only in a small subtle ways. So where is the line between attractive and just creepy?

Ironically in my own personal life it’s been the fear of being perceived as “crazy” that often clashes with my own displays of confidence. People would say “you can’t just move across the country for a girl that’s crazy," or "that girl will think you’re crazy if you just start talking to her out of the blue," and "you’re going to take a campaign job where…why would any one want to live there that’s crazy ???”

Thankfully in all of these examples the crazy voices lost and I did all of the above anyway; however, this isn’t always the case. The sad thing is that I know I’ve missed opportunities out of the fear of being called crazy when in fact I should of embraced those labels because crazy is just confidence in disguise.

Now don’t quote me on this if you end up having to explain yourself to a judge just nod and know its true brother. There’s always going to be times when the outside world can’t understand what I’m doing and will call it crazy but since I’m the only one living with me I’ll chose instead to think of it as confidence.


blargh... said...

I absolutely agree that you must be confident and not worry about other people's opinions, Brently. I think the greatest geniuses were seen as nutcases--Einstein, Copernicus, J Edgar Hoover...

Anonymous said...

What'd be crazy is not fighting tooth and nail to get Stepford Northup out of office. Can't continue to have Kentucky Trailer after Kentucky Trailer event. No more stagnation.

I don't think it's crazy in the least. Maybe it's just the politico in me.