Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Years

Who can believe its been another year already!?!?! I only moved across the country once this year so I’m getting better. I live in DC now but I'm on the road 2-3 weeks a month if not more so I guess I'm still not normal yet. My utility bills are getting so low that soon the power company is going to owe me money!

Anyway I was in NYC last week and LOVED IT! I didn’t take that many pics because my cell phone battery was dieing, but here are a few.

You may not be able to tell but this is ground zero & the Statue of Liberty. Even though I didn’t get any pics of it I had a great time in the village with my friend Kelly. I know every one says this when they get back from NYC but it really is an amazing city unlike any place else.

As far as New Year's resolutions go I've only got one big one that will play out in several areas of my life, and that is to live purposefully and with clear intention in every thing I do. Over the years I've let myself get sucked into just putting out the fires of life instead of actually living with or up to my intentions. This year I am going to live up too and apply my ideals into all areas of my life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brent, We just wanted you to know how much we enjoy your blog. It is very fascinating reading. You really know how to write and make it so interesting. Later on you will have to write a book on all the things you have done and places that you have been. It would be a best seller. Love ya,
Grandpa and Grandma