Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My New Ride!

I am now part of the problem. I didn’t wake up yesterday mad at the planet! I wasn’t thinking what can I do to stick my finger in the eye of nature, but that’s kinda what I’m doing. I know this and I’m OK with it. I bought an Explorer yesterday and I love it! It’s a 2000, V8, 4x4, leather seats, plus a lot of other bennies that just make it fun to ride. Most of all I’m excited that I can now give more than one person a ride at a time.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Colorado Update!

So I’m in Colorado working on another political campaign (shocker I know!). I’ll save the campaign details for you political junkies in a one-on-one exchange.

Anyway, I love it out here! I can’t believe how spoiled I’ve gotten in such a short period of time. In the two months I’ve been here it’s been sunny and 70-90 degrees just about every day. The only time it wasn’t sunny and warm it snowed, but then it was 80 the next day so I forgave Mother Nature for it.

This week, the big news was we had two cloudy days in a row and it reminded me of being back east. The locals here claim that we get over 300 sunny days a year and so far it seems to be true. I do miss the food, people and cultural icons of the east, but for now I’m soaking up nature’s best.

As you can see in these pics I was in a car accident and totaled my truck. I was moving through a green light and this huge truck didn’t see me or his red light and plowed into my driver’s side. I’m extremely lucky because if he hit just six inches up I would have been in pretty rough shape (a.k.a. flat).

My memory has been shot all week and its felt like I’ve got a bad case of “shaken babe syndrome.” I escaped with only a few cracked ribs, a tiny bit of internal bleeding and a concussion. It was a relief today to find out that’s all that was wrong with me, well medically speaking anyway.

Since the other guy was totally at fault his insurance company is taking care of just about everything. I’m car shopping now and will show you pics of my new ride when I get it.

OK, I’m off to take it easy and rest up.